Wednesday, March 25, 2009


All are in that position of being able to be used, if they will but recognize their opportunities day by day in their choices of dealings with their fellow-men.
What is the choice? That as creates love, hope, faith, patience, kindness, gentleness in the experience . .

Edgar Cayce Reading 1992-1


For he that contributes only to his own welfare soon finds little to work for. He that contributes only to the welfare of others soon finds too much of others and has lost the appreciation of self, or of its ideals.
. . . Know that the power or strength for any influence as related to the help of others must come from the universal source and not from self alone. For the individual may sow the seed, the Infinite must give the increase--it must do the multiplying. Man can detract, but he can add little to God's purpose in the earth save through the grace and mercy of God Himself.
Edgar Cayce Reading 3478-2