Friday, January 18, 2008


Depression is a troublesome and sometimes incapacitating condition that affects more than one million Canadians a year. Sadness is a normal occurrence. Depression often has no identifiable trigger and can last anywhere from a week to two years. If unrecognized and untreated, it may look like a prolonged bad mood, stealing your energy and joy. Not knowing why you’re in a ‘bad mood’ spirals the symptoms with self degradation and deepens the depression. Many people coping with undiagnosed depression, are relieved to realize that they’re not bad people, they’re just depressed and there is help.

Signs and Symptoms of depression:

  • Irritability & anger
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Weight gain
  • Indifference to favorite activities
  • Chronic Pain
  • Hopelessness & pointlessness

Some types of depression:

  • Seasonal Affected disorder
  • Bipolar
  • Postpartum
  • Perimenopausal

Depression is not just in your head. It’s in your organs and glands which control the level of over 40 hormones in your body plus your immune system. Hormones impact our stress response, our happiness, healthiness, even sleepiness. Too much or too little of any particular hormone will change our mood and clarity. That’s why it’s important to discuss medical treatment with your doctor if depression is affecting your daily life.

Medical therapy:

  • Psychiatry or counseling
  • Medication

Complementary Alternative Therapy:

  • Acupuncture to regulate hormones and reduce stress
  • Massage to reduce stress and increase well being
  • Tai Chi for exercise and meditation
  • Light Therapy

Give high priority to learning to unwind and to let go after a stressful encounter. Holding onto resentments and negative feelings is proven to reduce our immune system, which is trying to keep us healthy. Perceiving a situation differently will actually cause a different hormonal response in the body. When you feel depressed, make an extra effort to do things that make you feel good even if it’s difficult to get yourself motivated. Socializing with friends and positive people will actually improve your immune response.

Activities to Increase Good Feelings:

  • Exercise
  • Volunteer
  • Games
  • Music / Funny movies
  • Socialization

Research has recently identified inflammation (redness and swelling) as a precursor to depression. In fact, many anti-depressant medications actually include an anti-inflammatory agent. This is a major break through in understanding what triggers depression. Inflammation diseases include: Asthma, Allergies, gingivitis, Crohns & Ulcerative colitis. Inflammation also rises during the third trimester of pregnancy which commonly leads to postpartum depression.

You can reduce Inflammation by:

  • Eating an anti-inflammatory diet rich in colourful vegetables and healthy fats found in olives, avocados, cold water fish.
  • Supplementing with ultra-refined fish oil.
  • Reducing sugar and preservatives especially MSG.
  • Daily multi-vitamin rich in B vitamins.
  • Following prescribed treatment, if applicable.

Depression can be healed with the help of your doctor and self care. There are many on-line sources of information and support.


“Proinflammatory cytokines and negative emotions”

Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients, May, 2007 by Robert A. Anderson

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