Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Lymphatic Drainage Therapy

Lymphatic Drainage Therapy (LDT) is a gentle touch therapy to assist the drainage of stagnant and excess fluid from our body. The relaxing repetitive touch soothes our pain receptors while increasing circulation and detoxification.
Ideal for: * Detoxification * Sports Performance * Speed Recovery * Boost immune system * Reduce bloating and swelling * Chronic pain such as fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue
What & Where is the Lymphatic System?
The lymph system is basically our waste removal system designed to clear wastes, fluid and to move immune cells (including white blood cells) and hormones from between the cells. The lymph system is everywhere we have vessels. We each have 450 – 600 lymph nodes throughout the body. Nodes are those bumps under the jaw that your doctor feels get swollen when you’re sick. They get larger when we’re fighting an infection or inflammation.
Is it important?
If the Lymphatic System is not working, lymph nodes get swollen and sore, then lymph fluid stagnates, we swell and become toxic. Therefore, the better the circulation the healthier we are.
My personal experience after 3 daily 30 minute lymphatic therapy treatments I lost 5 lbs of water (that’s just extra water that was floating around my body), reduced asthma medication, had absolutely no muscle soreness after a 30 km day hike and decreased sugar cravings.
Self care: To support your immune system at home you can:
• Drink water • Deep belly breathing • Walk (The pressure on the sole of your foot acts as a pump sending venous circulation and lymph up towards the heart.) • Avoid allergens and food sensitivities (These cause inflammation which clog the lymph vessels.) • Book a Lymphatic Drainage Treatment

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